Source code for gilp.visualize

"""Functions to visualize the simplex and branch and bound algorithms.

This moodule uses a custom implementation of the resvised simplex method and
the branch and bound algorithm (simplex module) to create and solve LPs. Using
the graphic module (which provides a high-level interface with the plotly
visualization package) and computational geometry functions from the geometry
module, visualizations of these algorithms are then created to be viewed inline
on a Jupyter Notebook or written to a static HTML file.

__author__ = 'Henry Robbins'
__all__ = ['lp_visual', 'simplex_visual', 'bnb_visual']

import itertools
import math
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as plt
from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from ._constants import (AXIS_2D, AXIS_3D, BFS_SCATTER, BNB_NODE,
                         DICTIONARY_TABLE, FIG_HEIGHT, FIG_WIDTH,
                         REGION_2D_POLYGON, REGION_3D_POLYGON, SCATTER,
                         SCATTER_3D, SECONDARY_COLOR, SLIDER, TABLE,
                         DARK_GRAY_COLOR, LIGHT_GRAY_COLOR, VECTOR,
                         BNB_CURRENT_COLOR, BNB_EXPLORED_COLOR,
                         LIGHT_FONT_COLOR, DARK_FONT_COLOR)
from ._geometry import (intersection, interior_point, NoInteriorPoint,
                        polytope_vertices, polytope_facets)
from ._graphic import (num_format, equation_string, linear_string, plot_tree,
                       Figure, label, table, vector, scatter, equation,
                       polygon, polytope)
from .simplex import (LP, simplex, branch_and_bound_iteration,
                      UnboundedLinearProgram, Infeasible)

class InfiniteFeasibleRegion(Exception):
    """Raised when an LP is found to have an infinite feasible region and can
    not be accurately visualized."""

def template_figure(n: int, visual_type: str = 'tableau') -> Figure:
    """Return a figure on which to create a visualization.

    The figure can be for a 2 or 3 dimensional linear program and is either of
    type tableau (in which the tableau of each simplex iteration is on the
    right subplot) or type bnb_tree (in which a branch and bound tree is
    visualized shown on the right subplot).

        n (int): Dimension of the LP visualization. Either 2 or 3.
        visual_type (str): Type of visualization. Tableau by default.

        Figure: A figure on which to create a visualization.

        ValueError: Can only visualize 2 or 3 dimensional LPs.
    if n not in [2,3]:
        raise ValueError('Can only visualize 2 or 3 dimensional LPs.')

    # Subplots: plot on left, table/tree on right
    plot_type = {2: 'scatter', 3: 'scene'}[n]
    visual_type = {'tableau': 'table', 'bnb_tree': 'scatter'}[visual_type]
    fig = Figure(subplots=True, rows=1, cols=2,
                 horizontal_spacing=(LEGEND_WIDTH / FIG_WIDTH),
                 specs=[[{"type": plot_type},{"type": visual_type}]])

    layout = LAYOUT.copy()

    # Set axes
    x_domain = [0, (1 - (LEGEND_WIDTH / FIG_WIDTH)) / 2]
    y_domain = [0, 1]
    x = "x<sub>%d</sub>"
    if n == 2:
        layout['xaxis1'] = {**AXIS_2D, **dict(domain=x_domain, title=x % (1))}
        layout['yaxis1'] = {**AXIS_2D, **dict(domain=y_domain, title=x % (2))}
        layout['scene'] = dict(aspectmode='cube',
                               domain=dict(x=x_domain, y=y_domain),
                               xaxis={**AXIS_3D, **dict(title=x % (1))},
                               yaxis={**AXIS_3D, **dict(title=x % (2))},
                               zaxis={**AXIS_3D, **dict(title=x % (3))})

    # Rotate through 6 line colors
    scatter = [plt.Scatter({**SCATTER, **dict(line_color=c)}) for c in colors]

    # Annotation templates for branch and bound tree nodes
    layout['annotations'] = [
        {**BNB_NODE, **dict(name='current', bgcolor=BNB_CURRENT_COLOR,
        {**BNB_NODE, **dict(name='explored', bgcolor=BNB_EXPLORED_COLOR,
        {**BNB_NODE, **dict(name='unexplored', bgcolor=BNB_UNEXPLORED_COLOR,

    # Conslidate and construct the template
    template = plt.layout.Template()
    template.layout = layout = [plt.Table(TABLE)] = scatter = [plt.Scatter3d(SCATTER_3D)]

    # Right subplot axes
    right_x_axis = dict(domain=[0.5, 1], range=[0,1], visible=False)
    right_y_axis = dict(domain=[0.15, 1], range=[0,1], visible=False)
    if n == 2:
        fig.layout.xaxis2 = right_x_axis
        fig.layout.yaxis2 = right_y_axis
        fig.layout.xaxis = right_x_axis
        fig.layout.yaxis = right_y_axis

    return fig

def scale_axes(fig: Figure,
               vertices: List[np.ndarray],
               scale: float = 1.3):
    """Scale the axes of the figure to fit the given set of vertices.

        fig (Figure): Figure whose axes will get re-scaled.
        vertices (List[np.ndarray]): Set of vertices to be contained.
        scale (float): The factor to multiply the minumum axis lengths by.
    x_list = [list(x[:,0]) for x in vertices]
    limits = [max(i)*scale for i in list(zip(*x_list))]

def bfs_plot(lp: LP,
             basic_sol: bool = True,
             show_basis: bool = True,
             vertices: List[np.ndarray] = None
             ) -> Union[plt.Scatter, plt.Scatter3d]:
    """Return a scatter trace with hover labels for every basic feasible sol.

    Vertices of LP's feasible region can be given to improve computation time.

        lp (LP): LP whose basic feasible solutions will be plotted.
        basic_sol (bool): True if the entire BFS is shown. Default to True.
        show_basis (bool) : True if the basis is shown within the BFS label.
        vertices (List[np.ndarray]): Vertices of the LP's feasible region.

        Union[plt.Scatter, plt.Scatter3d]: Scatter trace for every BFS.
    n,m,A,b,c = lp.get_coefficients(equality=False)
    if vertices is None:
        vertices = lp.get_vertices()

    vertices_arr = np.array([list(v[:,0]) for v in vertices])
    bfs = vertices_arr

    # Add slack variable values to basic feasible solutions
    for i in range(m):
        x_i = -np.matmul(vertices_arr,np.array([A[i]]).transpose()) + b[i]
        bfs = np.hstack((bfs,x_i))
    bfs = [np.array([bfs[i]]).transpose() for i in range(len(bfs))]

    # Get objective values for each basic feasible solution
    values = [np.matmul(c.transpose(),bfs[i][:n]) for i in range(len(bfs))]
    values = [float(val) for val in values]

    # Plot basic feasible solutions with their label
    lbs = []
    for i in range(len(bfs)):
        d = {}
        if basic_sol:
            d['BFS'] = list(bfs[i])
            d['BFS'] = list(bfs[i][:n])
        if show_basis:
            nonzero = list(np.nonzero(bfs[i])[0])
            zero = list(set(list(range(n + m))) - set(nonzero))
            if len(zero) > n:  # indicates degeneracy
                # add all bases correspondong to this basic feasible solution
                count = 1
                for z in itertools.combinations(zero, len(zero)-n):
                    basis = 'B<sub>' + str(count) + '</sub>'
                    d[basis] = list(np.array(nonzero+list(z)) + 1)
                    count += 1
                d['B'] = list(np.array(nonzero)+1)  # non-degenerate
        d['Obj'] = float(values[i])

    return scatter(x_list=vertices, text=lbs, template=BFS_SCATTER)

def feasible_region(lp: LP,
                    theme: str = 'light',
                    vertices: List[np.ndarray] = None
                    ) -> List[Union[plt.Scatter, plt.Scatter3d]]:
    """Return traces representing the feasible region of the LP.

    In 2d, a single polygon trace is returned representing a convex shaded
    region in the coordinate plane. In 3d, multiple polygon traces are returned
    defining each facet of a convex polyhedron describing the feasible region.
    Vertices of LP's feasible region can be given to improve computation time.

        lp (LP): LP whose feasible region visualization will be returned.
        theme (str): One of light, dark, or outline. Defaults to light.
        vertices (List[np.ndarray]): Vertices of the LP's feasible region.

        List[Union[plt.Scatter, plt.Scatter3d]]: Feasible region viualization.

        InfiniteFeasibleRegion: Can not visualize.
    n,m,A,b,c = lp.get_coefficients(equality=False)
    except UnboundedLinearProgram:
        raise InfiniteFeasibleRegion('Can not visualize.')

    if vertices is None:
        vertices = lp.get_vertices()

    # Add non-negativity constraints
    A_tmp = np.vstack((A, -np.identity(n)))
    b_tmp = np.vstack((b, np.zeros((n,1))))

    # Light theme by default
    opacity = 0.2
    surface_color = PRIMARY_COLOR
    line_color = PRIMARY_DARK_COLOR
    if theme == 'dark':
        surface_color = PRIMARY_DARK_COLOR
        line_color = PRIMARY_DARK_COLOR
        opacity = 0.2 + {2: 0.35, 3: 0.1}[lp.n]
    if theme == 'outline':
        surface_color = LIGHT_GRAY_COLOR
        line_color = DARK_GRAY_COLOR
        opacity = 0.1

    if n == 2:
        return polytope(A=A_tmp, b=b_tmp,
    if n == 3:
        return polytope(A=A_tmp, b=b_tmp,

def labeled_feasible_region(lp: LP,
                            theme: str = 'light',
                            basic_sol: bool = True,
                            show_basis: bool = True,
                            vertices: List[np.ndarray] = None
                            ) -> List[Union[plt.Scatter, plt.Scatter3d]]:
    """Return traces representing the feasible region of an LP with bfs labels.

    Vertices of LP's feasible region can be given to improve computation time.

        lp (LP): LP whose feasible region visualization will be returned.
        theme (str): One of light, dark, or outline. Defaults to light.
        basic_sol (bool): True if the entire BFS is shown. Default to True.
        show_basis (bool) : True if the basis is shown within the BFS label.
        vertices (List[np.ndarray]): Vertices of the LP's feasible region.

        List[Union[plt.Scatter, plt.Scatter3d]]: Feasible region w/ bfs labels.
    if vertices is None:
        vertices = lp.get_vertices()
    region = feasible_region(lp=lp,
    bfs = bfs_plot(lp=lp,
    return region + [bfs]

def feasible_integer_pts(lp: LP, fig: Figure) -> scatter:
    """Return scatter trace representing feasible integer points to the LP.

        lp (LP): LP whose integer feasible points will be returned as a trace.
        fig (Figure): Figure this trace will be added to (for axis ranges).

        scatter: Scatter trace representing feasible integer points to the LP.
    limits = fig.get_axis_limits()
    pts = []
    for i in range(math.ceil(limits[0])):
        for j in range(math.ceil(limits[0])):
            if len(limits) == 2:
                x = np.array([[i],[j]])
                if all(np.matmul(lp.A,x) <= lp.b + 1e-10):
                for k in range(math.ceil(limits[0])):
                    x = np.array([[i],[j],[k]])
                    if all(np.matmul(lp.A,x) <= lp.b + 1e-10):
    return scatter(pts, template=INTEGER_POINT)

def constraints(lp: LP,
                limits: List[int]
                ) -> List[Union[plt.Scatter, plt.Scatter3d]]:
    """Return traces for each constraint of the LP.

    Constraints in 2d are represented by a line in the coordinate plane and are
    set to visible by default. Constraints in 3d are represented by planes in
    3d space and are set to invisible by default.

        lp (LP): The LP whose constraints will be added to the figure.
        limits (List[int]): Domain on which these constraints will be plotted.

        List[Union[plt.Scatter, plt.Scatter3d]]: List of constraint traces.
    n,m,A,b,c = lp.get_coefficients(equality=False)
    traces = []
    for i in range(m):
        lb = '('+str(i+n+1)+') '+equation_string(A[i],b[i][0])
        template = {2: CONSTRAINT_LINE, 3: CONSTRAINT_POLYGON}[n]
    return traces

def isoprofit_slider(fig: Figure,
                     lp: LP,
                     slider_pos: str = 'bottom') -> plt.layout.Slider:
    """Return a slider iterating through isoprofit lines/planes on the figure.

    Add isoprofits of the LP to the figure and returns a slider to toggle
    between them. The isoprofits show the set of all points with a certain
    objective value (specified by the slider). In 2d, the isoprofit is a line
    and in 3d, the isoprofit is a plane. In 3d, the intersection of the
    isoprofit plane with the feasible region is highlighted.

        fig (Figure): Figure to which isoprofits lines/planes are added.
        lp (LP): LP whose isoprofits are added to the figure.
        slider_pos (str): Position (top or bottom) of this slider.

        plt.layout.Slider: A slider to toggle between objective values.

        ValueError: The LP must be in standard inequality form.
    if lp.equality:
        raise ValueError('The LP must be in standard inequality form.')
    n,m,A,b,c = lp.get_coefficients(equality=False)

    # Get minimum and maximum value of objective function in plot window
    limits = fig.get_axis_limits()
    obj_at_limits = []
    for pt in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=n):
        a = np.identity(n)
        np.fill_diagonal(a, pt)
        x =,limits)
    max_val = max(obj_at_limits)
    min_val = min(obj_at_limits)

    # Divide the range of objective values into multiple steps
    objectives = list(np.round(np.linspace(min_val,
                                           ISOPROFIT_STEPS), 2))

        opt_val = simplex(lp).obj_val
        feas = True
    except Infeasible:
        feas = False

    # Add the isoprofit traces
    if n == 2:
        for i in range(ISOPROFIT_STEPS + feas):
            trace = equation(A=c[:,0],
    if n == 3:
        # If feasible, get the objective values when the isoprofit plane first
        # intersects and last intersects the feasible region respectively
        if feas:
            s_val = -simplex(LP(A,b,-c))[2]
            t_val = opt_val

        # Keep track of an interior point once one is found
        interior_pt = None

        # Add nonnegativity constraints
        A = np.vstack((A,-np.identity(n)))
        b = np.vstack((b,np.zeros((n,1))))

        for i in range(ISOPROFIT_STEPS + feas):
            traces = []
            obj_val = objectives[i]
            pts = []
            if feas:
                if np.isclose(obj_val, s_val, atol=1e-12):
                    pts = intersection(c[:,0], s_val, A, b)
                elif np.isclose(obj_val, t_val, atol=1e-12):
                    pts = intersection(c[:,0], t_val, A, b)
                elif obj_val >= s_val and obj_val <= t_val:
                    A_tmp = np.vstack((A,c[:,0]))
                    b_tmp = np.vstack((b,obj_val))
                    if interior_pt is None:
                            interior_pt = interior_point(A_tmp, b_tmp)
                        except NoInteriorPoint:
                    vertices = polytope_vertices(A_tmp, b_tmp, interior_pt)
                    pts = polytope_facets(A_tmp, b_tmp, vertices)[-1]
                if len(pts) != 0:

    # Create each step of the isoprofit slider
    iso_steps = []
    for i in range(ISOPROFIT_STEPS):
        visible = np.array([[k].visible for k in range(len(])
        visible[fig.get_indices('isoprofit',containing=True)] = False
        visible[fig.get_indices('isoprofit_'+str(i))] = True
        visible[fig.get_indices('tree_edges',containing=True)] = True

        lb = objectives[i]
        step = dict(method="update", label=lb, args=[{"visible": visible}])

    params = {**SLIDER,
              **dict(currentvalue_prefix='Objective Value: ',
                     y={'bottom': 0.01, 'top': 85/FIG_HEIGHT}[slider_pos],

    return plt.layout.Slider(params)

def lp_strings(lp: LP,
               B: List[int],
               iteration: int,
               form: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
    """Get the string representation of the LP and basis B.

    The LP can be in tableau or dictionary form::

        Tableau:                                   Dictionary:
        ---------------------------------------    (i)
        | (i) z | x_1 | x_2 | ... | x_n | RHS |
        =======================================    max     z  = ... + x_N
        |   1   |  -  |  -  | ... |  -  |  -  |    s.t.   x_i = ... + x_N
        |   0   |  -  |  -  | ... |  -  |  -  |           x_j = ... + x_N
                      ...                                      ...
        |   0   |  -  |  -  | ... |  -  |  -  |           x_k = ... + x_N

        ValueError: The LP must be in standard inequality form.
    if lp.equality:
        raise ValueError('The LP must be in standard inequality form.')
    n,m = lp.get_coefficients(equality=False)[:2]
    A,b,c = lp.get_coefficients()[2:]
    T = lp.get_tableau(B)
    if form == 'tableau':
        header = ['<b>x<sub>' + str(i) + '</sub></b>' for i in range(n+m+2)]
        header[0] = '<b>('+str(iteration)+') z</b>'
        header[-1] = '<b>RHS</b>'
        content = list(T.transpose())
        content = [[num_format(i,1) for i in row] for row in content]
        content = [['%s' % '<br>'.join(map(str,col))] for col in content]
    if form == 'dictionary':
        N = list(set(range(n + m)) - set(B))
        header = ['<b>(' + str(iteration) + ')</b>', ' ', ' ']
        content = []
        content.append(['max','s.t.']+[' ' for i in range(m - 1)])

        def x_sub(i: int):
            return 'x<sub>' + str(i) + '</sub>'

        content.append(['z'] + [x_sub(B[i] + 1) for i in range(m)])
        obj_func = ['= ' + linear_string(-T[0,1:n+m+1][N],
        coef = -T[1:,1:n+m+1][:,N]
        const = T[1:,n+m+1]
        eqs = ['= ' + linear_string(coef[i],
                                    const[i]) for i in range(m)]
        content.append(obj_func + eqs)
        content = [['%s' % '<br>'.join(map(str, col))] for col in content]
    return header, content

def simplex_path_slider(fig: Figure,
                        lp: LP,
                        slider_pos: str = 'top',
                        show_lp: bool = True,
                        lp_form: str = 'dictionary',
                        rule: str = 'bland',
                        initial_solution: np.ndarray = None,
                        iteration_limit: int = None,
                        feas_tol: float = 1e-7) -> plt.layout.Slider:
    """Return a slider which toggles through iterations of simplex.

    Plots the path of simplex on the figure as well as the associated lps
    at each iteration. Return a slider to toggle between iterations of simplex.
    Uses the given simplex parameters: rule, initial_solution, iteration_limit,
    and feas_tol. See more about these parameters using help(simplex).

        fig (Figure): Figure to add the path of simplex to.
        lp (LP): The LP whose simplex path will be added to the plot.
        slider_pos (str): Position (top or bottom) of this slider.
        show_lp (bool): True if lp should be displayed. Default is True.
        lp_form (str): Displayed lp form: {"dictionary", "tableau"}
        rule (str): Pivot rule to be used. Default is 'bland'
        initial_solution (np.ndarray): An initial solution. Default is None.
        iteration_limit (int): A limit on simplex iterations. Default is None.
        feas_tol (float): Primal feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default).

        plt.layout.Slider: Slider to toggle between simplex iterations.

        ValueError: The LP must be in standard inequality form.
    if lp.equality:
        raise ValueError('The LP must be in standard inequality form.')

    path = simplex(lp=lp, pivot_rule=rule, initial_solution=initial_solution,

    # Add initial lp
    tab_template = {'tableau': TABLEAU_TABLE,
                    'dictionary': DICTIONARY_TABLE}[lp_form]
    if show_lp:
        headerT, contentT = lp_strings(lp, path[0].B, 0, lp_form)
        tab = table(header=headerT, content=contentT, template=tab_template)
        tab.visible = True
        fig.add_trace(tab, ('table0'), row=1, col=2)

    # Iterate through remainder of path
    for i in range(1,len(path)):

        # Add mid-way path and full path
        a = np.round(path[i-1].x[:lp.n],10)
        b = np.round(path[i].x[:lp.n],10)
        m = a+((b-a)/2)
        fig.add_trace(vector(a, m, template=VECTOR),('path'+str(i*2-1)))
        fig.add_trace(vector(a, b, template=VECTOR),('path'+str(i*2)))

        if show_lp:
            # Add mid-way tableau and full tableau
            headerT, contentT = lp_strings(lp, path[i].B, i, lp_form)
            headerB, contentB = lp_strings(lp, path[i-1].B, i-1, lp_form)
            content = []
            for j in range(len(contentT)):
                content.append(contentT[j] + [headerB[j]] + contentB[j])
            mid_tab = table(headerT, content, template=tab_template)
            tab = table(headerT, contentT, template=tab_template)
            fig.add_trace(mid_tab,('table'+str(i*2-1)), row=1, col=2)
            fig.add_trace(tab,('table'+str(i*2)), row=1, col=2)

    # Add initial and optimal solution

    # Create each step of the iteration slider
    steps = []
    for i in range(2*len(path)-1):
        visible = np.array([[j].visible for j in range(len(])

        visible[fig.get_indices('table',containing=True)] = False
        visible[fig.get_indices('path',containing=True)] = False
        visible[fig.get_indices('tree_edges',containing=True)] = True
        visible[fig.get_indices('optimal')] = True
        if show_lp:
            visible[fig.get_indices('table'+str(i))] = True
        for j in range(i+1):
            visible[fig.get_indices('path'+str(j))] = True

        lb = str(int(i / 2)) if i % 2 == 0 else ''
        step = dict(method="update", label=lb, args=[{"visible": visible}])

    params = {**SLIDER,
              **dict(currentvalue_prefix='Iteration: ',
                     y={'bottom': 0.01, 'top': 85/FIG_HEIGHT}[slider_pos],

    return plt.layout.Slider(params)

[docs]def lp_visual(lp: LP, basic_sol: bool = True, show_basis: bool = True,) -> plt.Figure: """Render a figure visualizing the geometry of an LP's feasible region. Args: lp (LP): LP whose feasible region is visualized. basic_sol (bool): True if the entire BFS is shown. Default to True. show_basis (bool) : True if the basis is shown within the BFS label. Returns: plt.Figure: A plotly figure showing the geometry of feasible region. Raises: ValueError: The LP must be in standard inequality form. """ if lp.equality: raise ValueError('The LP must be in standard inequality form.') fig = template_figure(lp.n) vertices = lp.get_vertices() scale_axes(fig, vertices) fig.add_traces(labeled_feasible_region(lp=lp, basic_sol=basic_sol, show_basis=show_basis, vertices=vertices)) fig.add_traces(constraints(lp, fig.get_axis_limits())) slider = isoprofit_slider(fig, lp) fig.update_layout(sliders=[slider]) return fig
[docs]def simplex_visual(lp: LP, basic_sol: bool = True, show_basis: bool = True, lp_form: str = 'dictionary', rule: str = 'bland', initial_solution: np.ndarray = None, iteration_limit: int = None, feas_tol: float = 1e-7) -> plt.Figure: """Render a figure visualizing the geometry of simplex on the given LP. Uses the given simplex parameters: rule, initial_solution, iteration_limit, and feas_tol. See more about these parameters using help(simplex). Args: lp (LP): LP on which to run simplex. basic_sol (bool): True if the entire BFS is shown. Default to True. show_basis (bool) : True if the basis is shown within the BFS label. lp_form (str): Displayed lp form: {"dictionary", "tableau"} rule (str): Pivot rule to be used. Default is 'bland' initial_solution (np.ndarray): An initial solution. Default is None. iteration_limit (int): A limit on simplex iterations. Default is None. feas_tol (float): Primal feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default). Returns: plt.Figure: A plotly figure which shows the geometry of simplex. Raises: ValueError: The LP must be in standard inequality form. """ if lp.equality: raise ValueError('The LP must be in standard inequality form.') fig = template_figure(lp.n) vertices = lp.get_vertices() scale_axes(fig, vertices) fig.add_traces(labeled_feasible_region(lp=lp, basic_sol=basic_sol, show_basis=show_basis, vertices=vertices)) fig.add_traces(constraints(lp, fig.get_axis_limits())) iso_slider = isoprofit_slider(fig, lp) iter_slider = simplex_path_slider(fig=fig, lp=lp, lp_form=lp_form, rule=rule, initial_solution=initial_solution, iteration_limit=iteration_limit, feas_tol=feas_tol) fig.update_layout(sliders=[iso_slider, iter_slider]) fig.update_sliders() return fig
[docs]def bnb_visual(lp: LP, manual: bool = False, feas_tol: float = 1e-7, int_feas_tol: float = 1e-7) -> List[Figure]: """Render figures visualizing the geometry of branch and bound. Execute branch and bound on the given LP assuming that all decision variables must be integer. Use a primal feasibility tolerance of feas_tol (with default vlaue of 1e-7) and an integer feasibility tolerance of int_feas_tol (with default vlaue of 1e-7). Args: lp (LP): LP on which to run the branch and bound algorithm. manual (bool): True if the user can choose the variable to branch on. feas_tol (float): Primal feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default). int_feas_tol (float): Integer feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default). Return: List[Figure]: A list of figures visualizing the branch and bound. """ figs = [] # ist of figures to be returned feasible_regions = [lp] # list of lps defining remaining feasible region incumbent = None best_bound = None unexplored = [lp] lp_to_node = {} # dictionary from an LP object to the node id # Initialize the branch and bound tree G = nx.Graph() G.add_node(0) G.nodes[0]['text'] = '' lp_to_node[lp] = 0 nodes_ct = 1 # Get the axis limits to be used in all figures limits = lp_visual(lp).get_axis_limits() # Run the branch and bound algorithm while len(unexplored) > 0: current = unexplored.pop() # Create figure for current iteration fig = template_figure(lp.n, visual_type='bnb_tree') fig.set_axis_limits(limits) # Solve the LP relaxation try: sol = simplex(lp=current) x = sol.x value = sol.obj_val x_str = ', '.join(map(str, [num_format(i) for i in x[:lp.n]])) x_str = 'x* = (%s)' % x_str sol_str = '%s<br>%s' % (num_format(value), x_str) except Infeasible: sol_str = 'infeasible' # Update current node with solution and highlight it node_id = lp_to_node[current] G.nodes[node_id]['text'] += '<br>' + sol_str G.nodes[node_id]['template'] = 'current' # Plot the branch and bound tree plot_tree(fig,G,0) # Draw outline of original LP and remaining feasible region if current != lp: fig.add_traces(labeled_feasible_region(lp=lp, theme='outline', basic_sol=False, show_basis=False)) for feas_reg in feasible_regions: try: if current == feas_reg: trace = labeled_feasible_region(lp=feas_reg, theme='dark', basic_sol=False, show_basis=False) fig.add_traces(trace) else: trace = labeled_feasible_region(lp=feas_reg, basic_sol=False, show_basis=False) fig.add_traces(trace) except Infeasible: pass # Show previous branch (constraints) of current node (if not the root) if nodes_ct > 1: A = current.A[-1] b = float(current.b[-1]) i = int(np.nonzero(A)[0][0])+1 template = {2: CONSTRAINT_LINE, 3: CONSTRAINT_POLYGON}[lp.n] if any(A < 0): fig.add_trace(equation(-A,-(b)-1, domain=limits, name="x<sub>%d</sub> ≤ %d" % (i,-(b+1)), template=template)) fig.add_trace(equation(A, b, domain=limits, name="x<sub>%d</sub> ≥ %d" % (i, -b), template=template)) else: fig.add_trace(equation(A, b, domain=limits, name="x<sub>%d</sub> ≤ %d" % (i, b), template=template)) fig.add_trace(equation(-A, -(b+1), domain=limits, name="x<sub>%d</sub> ≥ %d" % (i, (b+1)), template=template)) # Add path of simplex for the current node's LP try: simplex_path_slider(fig=fig, lp=current, slider_pos='bottom', show_lp=False) for i in fig.get_indices('path', containing=True):[i].visible = True except Infeasible: pass # Add objective slider iso_slider = isoprofit_slider(fig, current) fig.update_layout(sliders=[iso_slider]) fig.update_sliders() # Show the figure and add it to the list if manual: figs.append(fig) # Do an iteration of the branch and bound algorithm iteration = branch_and_bound_iteration(lp=current, incumbent=incumbent, best_bound=best_bound, manual=manual, feas_tol=feas_tol, int_feas_tol=int_feas_tol) fathom = iteration.fathomed incumbent = iteration.incumbent best_bound = iteration.best_bound left_LP = iteration.left_LP right_LP = iteration.right_LP # If not fathomed, create nodes in the tree for each branch if not fathom: i = int(np.nonzero(left_LP.A[-1])[0][0]) # branched on index lb = int(left_LP.b[-1]) ub = lb + 1 # left branch node G.add_node(nodes_ct) lp_to_node[left_LP] = nodes_ct left_str = "x<sub>%d</sub> ≤ %d" % (i+1, lb) G.nodes[nodes_ct]['text'] = left_str G.add_edge(node_id, nodes_ct) # right branch node G.add_node(nodes_ct+1) lp_to_node[right_LP] = nodes_ct+1 right_str = "x<sub>%d</sub> ≥ %d" % (i+1, ub) G.nodes[nodes_ct+1]['text'] = right_str G.add_edge(node_id, nodes_ct+1) nodes_ct += 2 # update unexplored and feasible_regions unexplored.append(right_LP) unexplored.append(left_LP) feasible_regions.remove(current) feasible_regions.append(right_LP) feasible_regions.append(left_LP) # unhighlight the node and and indicate it has been explored G.nodes[node_id]['template'] = 'explored' return figs