Package Overview

This package overview serves as a source of necessary and helpful information for developing gilp. First, we will discuss the structure of the gilp package at a high level.

Package Structure

The gilp package contains 4 modules: simplex, style, visualize, and examples. The simplex module contains the LP class definition as well as an implementation of the revised simplex method. Additionally, it contains some custom exception classes that can be thrown by the LP methods and simplex functions. The style module mainly serves as a higher level interface with the Plotly Graphing Library. Furthermore, it contains some additional functions for styling text and numbers. The height, width, and background color of the generated visualizations are set with constants in this module. The visualize drives most of the gilp package. This module utilizes the simplex and style modules to generate interactive visualizations. Additionally, it contains a custom exception class and constants which specify properties of the visualization. Lastly, the examples module contains 8 example LPs in the form of 8 constants. Now, we will go into each module in more detail.

Simplex Module

The main components of the

Style Module

Visualize Module

Examples Module