gilp package

gilp.examples module

gilp.examples.ALL_INTEGER_2D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 2D LP where all basic feasible solutions are integral and have integral tableaus.

gilp.examples.ALL_INTEGER_3D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 3D LP where all basic feasible solutions are integral and have integral tableaus.

gilp.examples.DEGENERATE_FIN_2D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 2D LP where the (default) intial feasible solution is degenerate.

gilp.examples.DODECAHEDRON_3D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 3D LP with feasible region in the shape of a regular dodecahedron.

gilp.examples.KLEE_MINTY_2D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 2D LP where the ‘dantzig’ pivot rule results in a simplex path through every bfs. Klee, Victor; Minty, George J. (1972). “How good is the simplex algorithm?”

gilp.examples.KLEE_MINTY_3D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 3D LP where the ‘dantzig’ pivot rule results in a simplex path through every bfs. Klee, Victor; Minty, George J. (1972). “How good is the simplex algorithm?”

gilp.examples.LIMITING_CONSTRAINT_2D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 2D LP demonstrating how the most limiting constraint determines the leaving variable.

gilp.examples.MULTIPLE_OPTIMAL_3D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 3D LP demonstrating the geometry of multiple optimal solutions.

gilp.examples.SQUARE_PYRAMID_3D_LP = <gilp.simplex.LP object>

A 3D LP which is highly degenerate. It demonstrates that degeneracy can not be solved by removing a seemingly redundant constraint–doing so can alter the feasible region.

gilp.simplex module

exception gilp.simplex.Infeasible

Bases: Exception

Raised when an LP is found to have no feasible solution.

exception gilp.simplex.InfeasibleBasicSolution

Bases: Exception

Raised when a list of indices forms a valid basis but the corresponding basic solution is infeasible.

exception gilp.simplex.InvalidBasis

Bases: Exception

Raised when a list of indices does not form a valid basis and prevents further correct execution of the function.

class gilp.simplex.LP(A: numpy.ndarray, b: numpy.ndarray, c: numpy.ndarray, equality: bool = False)

Bases: object

Maintains the coefficents and size of a linear program (LP).

The LP class maintains the coefficents of a linear program in either standard equality or inequality form. A is an m*n matrix describing the linear combination of variables making up the LHS of each constraint. b is a vector of length m making up the RHS of each constraint. Lastly, c is a vector of length n describing the objective function to be maximized. The n decision variables are all nonnegative.

inequality        equality
max c^Tx          max c^Tx
s.t Ax <= b       s.t Ax == b
     x >= 0            x >= 0

number of decision variables.


number of constraints (excluding nonnegativity constraints).


An m*n matrix of coefficients.


A vector of coefficients of length m.


A vector of coefficients of length n.


True iff the LP is in standard equality form.

get_basic_feasible_sol(B: List[int], feas_tol: float = 1e-07) → numpy.ndarray

Return the basic feasible solution corresponding to this basis.

By definition, B is a basis iff A_B is invertible (where A is the matrix of coefficents in standard equality form). The corresponding basic solution x satisfies A_Bx = b. By definition, x is a basic feasible solution iff x satisfies both A_Bx = b and x > 0. These constraints must be satisfied to a tolerance of feas_tol (which is set to 1e-7 by default).

  • B (List[int]) – A list of indices in {0..n+m-1} forming a basis.
  • feas_tol (float) – Primal feasibility tolerance (1e-7 by default).

Basic feasible solution corresponding to the basis B.

Return type:


get_basic_feasible_solns() → Tuple[List[numpy.ndarray], List[List[int]], List[float]]

Return all basic feasible solutions, their basis, and objective value.

  • List[np.ndarray]: List of basic feasible solutions for this LP.
  • List[List[int]]: The corresponding list of bases.
  • List[float]: The corresponding list of objective values.
Return type:Tuple

Returns n,m,A,b,c describing this LP.

get_tableau(B: List[int]) → numpy.ndarray

Return the tableau corresponding to the basis B for this LP.

The returned tableau has the following form:

z - (c_N^T - y^TA_N)x_N = y^Tb  where   y^T = c_B^TA_B^(-1)
x_B + A_B^(-1)A_Nx_N = x_B^*    where   x_B^* = A_B^(-1)b
Parameters:B (List[int]) – A valid basis for this LP
Returns:A numpy array representing the tableau
Return type:np.ndarray
Raises:InvalidBasis – Invalid basis. A_B is not invertible.
exception gilp.simplex.UnboundedLinearProgram

Bases: Exception

Raised when an LP is found to be unbounded during an execution of the revised simplex method.

gilp.simplex.branch_and_bound(lp: gilp.simplex.LP, feas_tol: float = 1e-07, int_feas_tol: float = 1e-07) → Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float]

Execute branch and bound on the given LP.

Execute branch and bound on the given LP assuming that all decision variables must be integer. Use a primal feasibility tolerance of feas_tol (with default vlaue of 1e-7) and an integer feasibility tolerance of int_feas_tol (with default vlaue of 1e-7).

  • lp (LP) – LP on which to run simplex
  • feas_tol (float) – Primal feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default).
  • int_feas_tol (float) – Integer feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default).

  • np.ndarray: An optimal all integer solution.
  • float: The optimal value subject to integrality constraints.

Return type:


gilp.simplex.equality_form(lp: gilp.simplex.LP) → gilp.simplex.LP

Return the LP in standard equality form.

Transform the LP (if needed) into an equivalent LP in standard equality form. Furthermore, ensure that every element of b is nonnegative. The transformation can be summariazed as follows.

inequality        equality
max c^Tx          max c^Tx
s.t Ax <= b       s.t Ax + Is == b
     x >= 0               x,s >= 0
Parameters:lp (LP) – An LP in either standard inequality or equality form.
Returns:The corresponding standard equality form LP
Return type:LP
gilp.simplex.invertible(A: numpy.ndarray) → bool

Return true if the matrix A is invertible.

By definition, a matrix A is invertible iff n = m and A has rank n

Parameters:A (np.ndarray) – An m*n matrix
Returns:True if the matrix A is invertible. False otherwise.
Return type:bool
gilp.simplex.phase_one(lp: gilp.simplex.LP, feas_tol: float = 1e-07) → Tuple[numpy.ndarray, List[int]]

Execute Phase I of the simplex method.

Execute Phase I of the simplex method to find an inital basic feasible solution to the given LP. Return a basic feasible solution if one exists. Otherwise, raise the Infeasible exception.

  • lp (LP) – LP on which phase I of the simplex method will be done.
  • feas_tol (float) – Primal feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default).

  • np.ndarray: An initial basic feasible solution.
  • List[int]: Corresponding basis to the initial BFS.

Return type:



Infeasible – The LP is found to not have a feasible solution.

gilp.simplex.simplex(lp: gilp.simplex.LP, pivot_rule: str = 'bland', initial_solution: numpy.ndarray = None, iteration_limit: int = None, feas_tol: float = 1e-07) → Tuple[List[numpy.ndarray], List[List[int]], float, bool]

Execute the revised simplex method on the given LP.

Execute the revised simplex method on the given LP using the specified pivot rule. If a valid initial basic feasible solution is given, use it as the initial bfs. Otherwise, ignore it. If an iteration limit is given, terminate if the specified limit is reached. Output the current solution and indicate the solution may not be optimal. Use a primal feasibility tolerance of feas_tol (with default vlaue of 1e-7).


Entering variable:

  • ‘bland’ or ‘min_index’: minimum index
  • ‘dantzig’ or ‘max_reduced_cost’: most positive reduced cost
  • ‘greatest_ascent’: most positive (minimum ratio) x (reduced cost)
  • ‘manual_select’: user selects among possible entering indices

Leaving variable:

  • (All): minimum (positive) ratio (minimum index to tie break)
  • lp (LP) – LP on which to run simplex
  • pivot_rule (str) – Pivot rule to be used. ‘bland’ by default.
  • initial_solution (np.ndarray) – Initial bfs. None by default.
  • iteration_limit (int) – Simplex iteration limit. None by default.
  • feas_tol (float) – Primal feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default).

  • List[np.ndarray]: Basic feasible solutions at each simplex iteration.
  • List[List[int]]: Corresponding bases at each simplex iteration.
  • float: The current objective value.
  • bool: True if the current objective value is known to be optimal.

Return type:


  • ValueError – Iteration limit must be strictly positive.
  • ValueError – initial_solution should have shape (n,1) but was ().
gilp.simplex.simplex_iteration(lp: gilp.simplex.LP, x: numpy.ndarray, B: List[int], pivot_rule: str = 'bland', feas_tol: float = 1e-07) → Tuple[numpy.ndarray, List[int], float, bool]

Execute a single iteration of the revised simplex method.

Let x be the initial basic feasible solution with corresponding basis B. Use a primal feasibility tolerance of feas_tol (with default vlaue of 1e-7). Do one iteration of the revised simplex method using the given pivot rule. Implemented pivot rules include:

Entering variable:

  • ‘bland’ or ‘min_index’: minimum index
  • ‘dantzig’ or ‘max_reduced_cost’: most positive reduced cost
  • ‘greatest_ascent’: most positive (minimum ratio) x (reduced cost)
  • ‘manual_select’: user selects among possible entering indices

Leaving variable:

  • (All): minimum (positive) ratio (minimum index to tie break)
  • lp (LP) – LP on which the simplex iteration is being done.
  • x (np.ndarray) – Initial basic feasible solution.
  • B (List(int)) – Basis corresponding to basic feasible solution x.
  • pivot_rule (str) – Pivot rule to be used. ‘bland’ by default.
  • feas_tol (float) – Primal feasibility tolerance (1e-7 default).

  • np.ndarray: New basic feasible solution.
  • List[int]: Basis corresponding to the new basic feasible solution.
  • float: Objective value of the new basic feasible solution.
  • bool: An idication of optimality. True if optimal. False otherwise.

Return type:


  • ValueError – Invalid pivot rule. Select from (list).
  • ValueError – x should have shape (n+m,1) but was (). module = 'white'

The background color of the figure = 500

The height of the entire visualization figure. = 950

The width of the entire visualization figure. = 0.39473684210526316

The normalized x coordinate of the legend (relative to right side). = 200

The width of the legend section of the figure. = 0.6052631578947368

The normalized x coordinate of the tableau (relative to right side). numpy.ndarray, b: float, domain: List[float], style: str, lb: str = None) → Union[plotly.graph_objs._scatter.Scatter, plotly.graph_objs._scatter3d.Scatter3d]

Return a styled 2d or 3d trace representing the given equation. numpy.ndarray, b: float, comp: str = ' ≤ ') → str

Return the string representation of an equation.

The equation is assumed to be in standard form: Ax ‘comp’ b. Union[int, float], precision: int = 3) → str

Return a properly formated string for a number at some precision. plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure, n: int) → List[float]

Return the axis limits for the given figure. Dict[str, Union[float, list]]) → str

Return a styled string representation of the given dictionary. List[numpy.ndarray], style: str, lb: str = None, i=[0]) → plotly.graph_objs._scatter.Scatter

Return a 2d line trace in the desired style. numpy.ndarray, indices: List[int], constant: float = None) → str

Return the string representation of a linear combination. List[numpy.ndarray], style: str, ordered: bool = False, lb: str = None) → Union[plotly.graph_objs._scatter.Scatter, plotly.graph_objs._scatter3d.Scatter3d]

Return a styled 2d or 3d polygon trace defined by some points. List[numpy.ndarray], style: str, lbs: List[str] = None) → plotly.graph_objs._scatter.Scatter

Return a styled 2d or 3d scatter trace for given points and labels. plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure, x_list: List[numpy.ndarray])

Set the axes limits of fig such that all points in x are visible.

Given a set of nonnegative 2 or 3 dimensional points, set the axes limits such all points are visible within the plot window. List[str], content: List[str], style: str) → plotly.graph_objs._table.Table

Return a styled table trace with given headers and content. numpy.ndarray, head: numpy.ndarray) → Union[plotly.graph_objs._scatter.Scatter, plotly.graph_objs._scatter3d.Scatter3d]

Return a styled 2d or 3d vector trace from tail to head.

gilp.visualize module

gilp.visualize.ISOPROFIT_STEPS = 25

The number of isoprofit lines or plane to render.

gilp.visualize.ITERATION_STEPS = 2

The number of steps each iteration is divided in to.

exception gilp.visualize.InfiniteFeasibleRegion

Bases: Exception

Raised when an LP is found to have an infinite feasible region and can not be accurately displayed.

gilp.visualize.add_isoprofits(fig: plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure, lp: gilp.simplex.LP) → Tuple[List[int], List[float]]

Add the set of isoprofit lines/planes which can be toggled over.

  • fig (plt.Figure) – Figure to which isoprofits lines/planes are added
  • lp (LP) – LP for which the isoprofit lines are being generated

  • List[int]: Indices of all isoprofit lines/planes
  • List[float]): The corresponding objective values

Return type:



ValueError – The LP must be in standard inequality form.

gilp.visualize.add_path(fig: plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure, path: List[numpy.ndarray]) → List[int]

Add vectors for visualizing the simplex path. Return vector indices.

gilp.visualize.add_tableaus(fig: plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure, lp: gilp.simplex.LP, bases: List[int], tableau_form: str = 'dictionary') → List[int]

Add the set of tableaus. Return the indices of each table trace.

gilp.visualize.get_tableau_strings(lp: gilp.simplex.LP, B: List[int], iteration: int, form: str) → Tuple[List[str], List[str]]

Get the string representation of the tableau for the LP and basis B.

The tableau can be in canonical or dictionary form:

Canonical:                                 Dictionary:
---------------------------------------    (i)
| (i) z | x_1 | x_2 | ... | x_n | RHS |
=======================================    max          ... + x_N
|   1   |  -  |  -  | ... |  -  |  -  |    s.t.   x_i = ... + x_N
|   0   |  -  |  -  | ... |  -  |  -  |           x_j = ... + x_N
              ...                                      ...
|   0   |  -  |  -  | ... |  -  |  -  |           x_k = ... + x_N
Raises:ValueError – The LP must be in standard inequality form.
gilp.visualize.isoprofit_slider(isoprofit_IDs: List[int], objectives: List[float], fig: plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure, n: int) → plotly.graph_objs.layout._slider.Slider

Create a plotly slider to toggle between isoprofit lines / planes.

  • isoprofit_IDs (List[int]) – IDs of every isoprofit trace.
  • objectives (List[float]) – Objective values for every isoprofit trace.
  • fig (plt.Figure) – The figure containing the isoprofit traces.
  • n (int) – The dimension of the LP the figure visualizes.

A plotly slider that can be added to a figure.

Return type:


gilp.visualize.iteration_slider(path_IDs: List[int], table_IDs: List[int], fig: plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure, n: int) → plotly.graph_objs.layout._slider.Slider

Create a plotly slider to toggle between iterations of simplex

  • path_IDs (List[int]) – IDs of every simplex path trace.
  • table_IDs (List[int]) – IDs of every table trace.
  • fig (plt.Figure) – The figure containing the traces.
  • n (int) – The dimension of the LP the figure visualizes.

A plotly slider that can be added to a figure.

Return type:


gilp.visualize.lp_visual(lp: gilp.simplex.LP) → plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure

Render a plotly figure visualizing the geometry of an LP.

gilp.visualize.plot_lp(lp: gilp.simplex.LP) → plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure

Return a figure visualizing the feasible region of the given LP.

Assumes the LP has 2 or 3 decision variables. Each axis corresponds to a single decision variable. The visualization plots each basic feasible solution (with their basis and objective value), the feasible region, and each of the constraints.


lp (LP) – An LP to visualize.


A figure containing the visualization.

Return type:

fig (plt.Figure)

  • InfiniteFeasibleRegion – Can not visualize.
  • ValueError – Can only visualize 2 or 3 dimensional LPs.
  • ValueError – The LP must be in standard inequality form.
gilp.visualize.set_up_figure(n: int) → plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure

Return a figure for an n dimensional LP visualization.

gilp.visualize.simplex_visual(lp: gilp.simplex.LP, tableau_form: str = 'dictionary', rule: str = 'bland', initial_solution: numpy.ndarray = None, iteration_limit: int = None) → plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure

Render a figure showing the geometry of simplex.

  • lp (LP) – LP on which to run simplex
  • tableau_form (str) – Displayed tableau form. Default is ‘dictionary’
  • rule (str) – Pivot rule to be used. Default is ‘bland’
  • initial_solution (np.ndarray) – An initial solution. Default is None.
  • iteration_limit (int) – A limit on simplex iterations. Default is None.

A plotly figure which shows the geometry of simplex.

Return type:



ValueError – The LP must be in standard inequality form.